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This term, our sermons will explore the Book of Job

’No god like our God'

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Passage Isaiah 46:1-47 - 47:15

Speaker Greg Prior

Series ’No god like our God'

Service Morning Service


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21 February 2021

There is none but me

Passage Isaiah 44:24 - 45:25

Speaker Chris Weir

Series ’No god like our God'

Service Morning Service


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14 February 2021

I Will not forget you

Passage Isaiah: 43:14 - 44:23

Series ’No god like our God'

Service Morning Service


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Passage Isaiah 42:18 - 43:13

Speaker Andy O'Brien

Series ’No god like our God'

Service Morning Service


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24 January 2021

Here is my servant

Passage Isaiah 42:1-17

Speaker Andy O'Brien

Series ’No god like our God'

Service Morning Service
