Have you got a little angel at home? A wise guy? A donkey, perhaps?

All Saints Wandsworth is inviting your child to be a part of

“The Good News Nativity”

An upbeat, joyful retelling of the nativity story starring children 7-14

Performance Date:  11 Dec 2022, 10:30 AM

Practice Dates: 
Sat 12 Nov., 19 Nov., 3 Dec. (3-5pm)
Dress rehearsal: Fri. 9 Dec 6pm

Please Register by 4 Nov

Once registered, the script, songs, and further information will be emailed to you. Roles will be determined at the first practice. (includes small speaking roles and group singing-only roles).

For inquiries, please email Doug Allord

Fun practices!    Meet new friends!     Joyful songs!     Celebrate Christmas!