Coronavirus Update

Church meetings during the coronavirus pandemic

On Sunday mornings we are meeting via Zoom before and after the service to catch up with each other.  The service itself can be found on our Youtube page.  Do join us to encourage each another, gather in worship around God’s word, and pray.   You are welcome to visit us if you haven’t been before!

We are not meeting together physically for the foreseeable future. However, we thank God for technology that enables us to meet virtually, and so will continue to meet on Sundays and during the week online. We encourage every church member to join us as we gather in worship around God’s Word, and pray for ourselves and our world. If you do not currently attend our church but would like to visit us online, you will be very welcome!

Connecting with us and staying connected

If you do not currently attend our church but would like someone to pray with you (either online or in person), please email us at or say hello on a Sunday.

For more information about our online meetings and how we are seeking to support each other at this difficult time, please read this pastoral note.  We’d also encourage you to read this helpful and encouraging letter to the Co-Mission family of churches.

Do you know someone who's self-isolating?

These cards have been designed to post to neighbours. Download it, print it, fill it in and away you go…

Members of Christ Church Earlsfield who are struggling financially at this time can access support through our Pastoral Fund.